
“Gastritis” means inflammation of the stomach lining.

Some people have gastritis that comes on suddenly and lasts only for a short time. Gastroenterologists call this “acute” gastritis. People have gastritis that lasts for months or years. Gastroenterologists call this “chronic” gastritis.

Different things can cause gastritis, including:

  • An infection within the stomach from bacteria called “H. pylori”
  • Medicines called “nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs” (NSAIDs) – These include aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen.
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Conditions within which the body’s infection-fighting system attacks the stomach lining
  • Having a significant or life-threatening illness

People with gastritis may not have any symptoms. When people do have symptoms, they’re because of other conditions that may happen with gastritis, like ulcers. Symptoms from ulcers include:

  • Pain within the upper belly
  • Feeling bloated, or feeling full after eating a small amount of food
  • Decreased appetite
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Vomiting blood, or having black-colored bowel movements

Most of the gas that comes out of your anus has no smell. But a number of them contain a substance called sulphur. Sulphur smells bad to the majority.

Call your Gastroenterologist if:

  • You have belly pain that gets worse or doesn’t go away
  • You vomit blood or have black bowel movements
  • You are losing weight (without trying to)

Probably. Your Gastroenterologist will ask about your symptoms and do an exam. He or she may also do:

  • An upper endoscopy – During this procedure, the Gastroenterologist puts a thin tube with a camera on the end into your mouth and down into your stomach. He or she’s going to have a look at the within of your stomach. During the procedure, he or she may also do a test called a biopsy. For a biopsy, the Gastroenterologist takes a small sample of the stomach lining. Then another doctor looks at the sample under a microscope.
  • Tests to check for H. pylori infection. These can include:
  •   Blood tests
  • Breath tests – These tests measure substances in your breath after you drink a special liquid.
  • Tests on a small sample of your bowel movement
  • A barium swallow – Your Gastroenterologist will give you a drink called “barium.” Then he or she will take an X-ray because the barium moves through your stomach.
  • Blood tests to check for anaemia

Treatment depends on what’s causing your gastritis.

Gastroenterologists can use medicines to treat gastritis caused by an H. pylori infection. The majority take 3 or more medicines for two weeks. The treatment includes antibiotics plus medicine that helps the stomach make less acid.

Gastroenterologists can use medicines that reduce or block stomach acid to treat other causes of gastritis. the most sorts of medicines that reduce or block stomach acid are:

  • Antacids
  • Surface agents
  • Histamine blockers
  • Proton pump inhibitors

Sometimes, those that are treated for an H. pylori infection need follow-up tests to create sure the infection is gone. Follow-up tests include breath tests, lab tests on a sample of bowel movement, or endoscopy.

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Dr. Harsh J Shah

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