Gas and bloating

Causes of gas include:

  • Swallowing air, often while eating, drinking, or smoking. Swallowed air usually comes back out as a burp.
  • Eating certain foods, like beans, broccoli, fruit, wheat, potatoes, corn, and noodles. Bacteria within the intestines digest parts of those foods and spit out gas.
  • Trouble digesting certain foods, like wheat or dairy products

The colon contains a lot of bends in it. When air gets trapped in these bends, you would possibly feel cramps or sharp pains. This pain is common within the middle and top of the belly on either side.

Most people pass gas 14 to 23 times on a daily basis. Burping before and after meals is additionally common. Gas bothers some people over others.

  • Most of the gas that comes out of your anus has no smell. But a number of them contain a substance called sulphur. Sulphur smells bad to the

You might feel better if you:

  • Cut down on certain foods. Write down what you eat so you’ll determine which foods are causing your gas. Everyone’s body is different. Common causes of gas are:
    • Milk and dairy products
    •  Beans
    • Some vegetables, like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, potatoes, and corn
    • Some whole grains, like wheat
    • Most kinds of fruit
    • Artificial sweeteners
    • Soda and other fizzy drinks
    •  Chewing gum
  • Take medicines that contain simethicone. Simethicone breaks up gas bubbles in your intestines. Gastroenterologists aren’t sure how well it works.
  • Take a product called Beano. This could help your body digest beans and a few vegetables.
  • Take a medication called bismuth subsalicylate (brand name: Pepto-Bismol). This could help make gas smell less bad.

See your Gastroenterologist if you also have any of these symptoms:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Belly pain
  • Blood in bowel movements
  • Loss of appetite

You can reduce your chances of getting gas again by:

  • Staying away from foods and drinks that cause gas for you
  • Taking Beano when you eat beans and a few vegetables
  • Taking supplements that help you digest dairy, if that is your problem
  • Eating more slowly
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Dr. Harsh J Shah

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