
Rectal Surgery

rectal prolapse
The word surgery means operation. Rectal Surgery means the operations performed over rectum. Surgery is usually the main treatment for rectal cancer. Radiation and chemotherapy are often given before or after surgery.
There are mainly two types of cancer operations for rectum. One is LAR(Low Anterior Resection) & the other is APR(Abdomino-perineal resection).
The type of operation used to remove the rectal cancer depends on the extent and location of the cancer. If the rectal cancer is located well above the anus, a low anterior resection (LAR) can be performed. This operation allows the patient to keep anal function and pass stools in a normal manner. If the rectal cancer is located close to the anus, sometimes the anus must be removed with the cancer in an operation called an abdominoperineal resection (APR). The patient must then use a colostomy bag.

A colostomy is an opening where the large intestine is attached to the abdominal wall. A replaceable bag that encloses the colostomy is worn by the patient to collect stool.

Possible risks and side effects of surgery depend on several factors, including the extent of the operation and a person’s general health before surgery. Problems during or shortly after the operation can include bleeding from the surgery, infections at the surgery site, and blood clots in the legs. There is a minor but real risk of leakage from the bowel stitch line. Also there are chances of urinary retention. There may be ‘adhesion’ formation & distension of the belly.

When you wake up after surgery, you will have some pain and will need pain medicines for a few days. For the first couple of days, you may not be able to eat or you may be allowed limited liquids, as the rectum needs some time to recover. Most people are able to eat solid food again in a few days.

Dr. Harsh J Shah

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