
Liver transplant

Liver transplant eng
A liver transplant is an operation that replaces a patient’s diseased liver with a whole or partial healthy liver from another person. Such surgeries have been done for over 38 years. Several people who have had liver transplants go on to lead perfectly normal lives.

Experts from Top hospitals says, Patients with following conditions need liver transplant:

Acute Liver Failure
Acute liver failure, also known as fulminant hepatic failure, occurs when a previously healthy liver suffers massive injury resulting in clinical signs and symptoms of liver insufficiency. Any number of things can lead to acute liver failure but the most common causes are paracetamol overdose, viral infections (known or unknown virus), ingestion of a toxin such as alcohol, poisonous mushrooms, or a drug reaction.

The hallmark of this condition is the development of confusion (encephalopathy) within eight weeks after the onset of yellowing of the skin (jaundice). Confusion occurs because toxins typically metabolized by the liver accumulate. Unlike patients with chronic liver disease, who can survive weeks to months to years while awaiting liver transplantation, patients with acute liver failure may die within days if not transplanted. These patients are listed at highest priority (Status I), placing them at the top of local, regional and national waiting lists for a donor liver.

Chronic liver failure
The liver has a remarkable ability to repair itself in response to injury. Nevertheless, repeated injury and repair, typically over many years and even decades, scars the liver permanently. The end stage of scarring is termed cirrhosis and corresponds to the point where the liver can no longer repair itself. Once a person has cirrhosis, he or she may begin to show signs of inadequate liver function. This is termed “decompensated liver disease.” Although medications can decrease the symptoms caused by the liver failure, liver transplantation represents the only permanent cure.

Depending upon the donor:
  • Living donor liver transplant – Only one part of liver removed from living related donor & transplanted into the patient
  • Deceased donor liver transplant – The whole liver of a deceased donor is transplanted

Liver transplant is performed in a liver transplant center by a liver surgeon or a liver transplant surgeon.

  • Take your medicines regularly
  • Adopt a healthy life style
  • Don’t gain too much of weight
  • Avoid alcohol
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Dr. Harsh J Shah

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